Contract winning assurance in an uncertain world
Including specialist support for ethical assurance, ICoCA Certification, ISO 18788, PSC-1 and ISO 28000, Travel Risk Management,
Human rights due diligence and Anti-bribery
Year Established
Different countries
visited during audits
Languages spoken
Internationally recognized Certification Body (IAF MLA accredited). Established in 2011, MSS Global focus on the rigorous, ethical assurance and education support of companies and supply chains, including land and maritime private security companies operating globally - including in some of the most challenging areas of the world. We are the natural experts in Travel Risk Management assurance (ISO 31030). Ethical assurance lies at the heart of our services as we support Environmental, Social, Governance themes (ESG). With presence in the UK, US and West Africa, and partners internationally, the company are arguably world leaders in this arena, and are members of groups such as the SCEG, ISOA and ICoCA. Recognizing the demanding nature of these sectors, MSS Global are the only Certification Body internationally accredited to be competent to audit and certify management standards with human rights enshrined, including for land security (against ISO 18788 and ANSI/ASIS PSC 1), and maritime security (against ISO 28000 with ISO 28007). Our ESG suite provides simple, affordable education and guidance and includes human rights due diligence and anti-bribery toolkits to ensure ESG topics add value.

Inquiries & confirmation of certification status
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email: info@mssglobal.com, or fill out the form below...